You Make Mistakes But Don’t Be the Devil’s Doormat!

Tenacity at its holiest

Timothy Burt

Fresh Manna
by Pastor Tim Burt

Stubbornness is not a great quality. Does anyone love trying to deal with a stubborn person? I think not. But, there is a time when I would encourage you to be that stubborn person! Really? Yes! It’s when you are dealing with the enemy of your soul, the devil.

In hard times and actually, at all times, the devil tries to discourage you with accusations and condemnation over every mistake and wrong choice you’ve made. It’s who he is. Jesus called him the father of all lies. But we are also told in Revelation 12 that he is the accuser of the brethren—that’s you and me.

Everyone makes mistakes and some bad choices. We all need to mature and improve by learning from God’s word, getting wise counsel, and making better decisions and right choices. But, sometimes we blow it and make not-to-bright decisions…

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